New mail-ng mailing list open for sign-ups
Paul Hoffman / IMC
2004-01-24 23:00:56 UTC
Greetings again. There seems to be more discussion these days about
replacing SMTP and/or RFC 2822 and/or POP/IMAP for a variety of
reasons. The discussion seems to pop up on a few different lists and
in a few different hallways, and it might be good to have a single
list where folks can congregate. Thus, I have set up a mail-ng
mailing list.

The first task probably is to determine what the next generation of
mail should do, and how that is different than what
SMTP/2822/POP-or-IMAP or instant messaging does. It is safe to say
that we can ignore actual protocol proposals for many months (if not
years) until we figure out what is needed. Once we do that, there are
plenty of protocol people who can attack the decided-on requirements.

There is no expectation that there will be significant agreement on
the list. It is likely that over time the discussion will split into
camps of like-minded design goals. The list might then spawn
different lists for the folks of the different camps (mail-ng-shoe,
mail-ng-sandal, ...). The list is explicitly not yet meant to be an
IETF working group yet (if at all), and is probably more akin to the
IRTF. But at the beginning, it will most likely be talking, not

See <http://www.imc.org/mail-ng/> for information on how to
subscribe. The list is taking subscriptions now, and will probably go
live for discussions within a week. Having some discussion on a
mailing list now should make the dinners and bar gatherings at Seoul
more interesting.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium
